Saturday, October 24, 2009

Law School

So I received my LSAT scores last weekend. I did pretty well (Well enough to get into law school) So I'm pretty excited! I am hoping to get into U of H, they have a dual degree program where you can get a Master's of Social Work and a law degree together. I think that would be a great combination for me to be able to do what I want to do when I graduate. I like the pace at which I'm moving. I have some friends who are married and/or having babies. I see them and I know I want that someday. But after babysitting last night for a 2 year old and a 5 year old I know I do not yet possess the patience it takes to be a parent yet. I'm thinking that will come when I'm in my thirties. I enjoyed going to Papasito's last night with friends, driving waves, and talking and laughing a little too much. I firmly believe that it's not the destination it's the journey. I know I could've decided to go to law school right after undergrad, but I wouldn't give up my 3 years of teaching kindergarten for anything. I throughly enjoyed it, and one day may even go back into the classroom. But another mantra I like to live by is, "Follow your bliss." And right now my bliss is taking me to law school, so I think I'll follow it. :-) Wish me luck! It's going to be a big year with lots of changes!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Ex Factor

So I apologize for not updating more often (or at all) But I'm going to try to be better. So here's them main topic of the day.... can you really be friends with an ex? A part of me thought I could, and so I carried on like I could for quite some time. But I think deep down I was just settling for even having a little piece of what we once had. And in the end I think that made me realize that I've never really been one to settle. In fact, it's something that I rarely do. So why would I choose to do this with this particular relationship? So coming to this realization = GOOD! What I did about it.... not so much! So in a moment of "clarity" and a little bit of crying, I decided it was best to sever all ties. What does this mean you ask? Well it means that I deleted his numbers from my cell phone, and I deleted him from my facebook. Now I know what you're going to say, this is extremely petty. But it seemed logical at the time. And here were my thoughts...first of all do I really want to see what my ex is up to? Answer, probably not. Do I really want him seeing what I'm doing day to day? umm, I think not. This was my effort to move forward...

So that was yesterday, today I get a call from him and he is quite upset. He doesn't want to be my friend at all and he is rather mad. I don't blame him. But it's odd that you can get in an argument with someone that you're no longer in a relationship with. All in all, I stand by my choice, I do think it's time we move on, and I'm ready to do that. So while it does upset me that he's upset with me, I know in the long run, it's better for both of us. Maybe one day we can be friends, but not today...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

New Beginnings

Welcome to my very first blog, hopefully the first of many to come.  I've been reading Hanna's and Elle's blog and decided to give it a go myself.  So here goes... The past month has brought with it a mass amount of changes and decisions.  Some of which I knew would be coming, and many of which caught me by surprise.  Oh! Where to start? I guess I'll break this update into sections.

Section 1- House: I had planned on buying my first house and after many showings and phone calls with Randall (my relator) I found a house that I thought would finally be mine.  But the deal kept taking longer than expected and the longer it took the more I realized that this wasn't the right time for me.  I was feeling more trapped than settled.  And so I decided to go with that feeling... I drove to Carrizo to discuss it with my dad in person.  We agreed I should look for an apartment, and so I did.  On to section 2. :-)

Section 2- Apartment: I love my new apartment! I love that it didn't take me too long to feel safe or adjust to waking up in a new surrounding.  I love that my family helped me to move in and find just the right place for all of my things.  I love the view of the pool, and the vaulted ceilings.  I just love how I feel when I walk through the door. This is a first for me, living by myself, and it is a lot of what I expected it would be.  Many warned that I would become more social, and I've found that to be true.  I've gone to dinner with lots of good friends, gone on a few dates, and have had lots of friends over.  All in all, I've enjoyed it, and I feel like it was the right and healthy next step to getting me to my next destination.  

Section 3- Law School: With that being said, I've decided to pursue a dream that I've held deep in my heart for many, many years, and that is going to Law School.  Although it is something that I have always wanted, deep down I've been too scared.  Too scared of not getting in, too scared that it wouldn't be for me, too scared of what I could be.  But the whole house experience and having a birthday gave me insight into the fact that I'm growing.  I've graduated college, I have my first real job, but I don't feeling like I'm done.  I'm not ready to stop and say this is it.  Especially with my education.  I thought beginning my masters would alleviate the desire I had to continue with my schooling, but it only made it apparent that I needed something more.  As always, my parents, family, and friends are extremely supportive and I'm going to need a lot of support and encouragement as I begin this new journey. 

Section 4- Hanna: One person who has been a constant form of support, whether it's been when I've come home crying and mad from a fight with my mom, or had a broken heart, or just a rough day has been my roommate Hanna.  I think people come into our lives for a reason and a purpose, and they help mold us into what we will become.  Hanna has helped me to grow in ways that I cannot explain. I think when we began living together 2 years ago, neither one of us could have predicted how close we would become or how important we would be to one another.  There is a bond and a closeness in our friendship that is unmatched.  It is just nice to have people in the world that you know no matter where you go, or what life has in store, there are those who only wish you the best and offer an unlimited amount of support, hugs, texts, and laughs. I hope everyone is as lucky.   

Section 5- Boys: One hobby Hanna and I have both enjoyed lately is boys.  But I think we've determined that they're crazy.  So I'm just going to focus on myself, my friends, and getting into law school.  I think love just finds you when it does.  And until I get situated into law school, I'm pretty sure I don't even want to be be found.  But going out to dinner, watching movies, and getting funny texts are always nice.  :-) Won't say no to that!

Lots of Love,
Kate :-)